A small step for the big change
Meghnagar block of Jhabua district is an industrial area and most of the youth seek employment in local industries. Like other young men in his early 20s, Dinesh Ganawa also works
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The name Samavesh signifies integration and amalgamation in a very wide sense. Samavesh thus stands for the coming together of ideas, approaches and people in the effort to build a more equitable, economically strong and democratic society.
Samavesh was registered as a Society in Delhi in August 2003 to work in the sector of development and governance. Development and governance must provide the preconditions in a society that are required to support people’s primary needs and their efforts at empowerment. People, especially the most vulnerable sections, need to become socially and economically empowered to push for principles of equity and social justice, and to establish in practice the values of participative democracy.
Samavesh has been set up to help create an environment in which vulnerable sections of our people, especially from amongst tribals, dalits and women can strive for a more equitable and democratic society.
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Meghnagar block of Jhabua district is an industrial area and most of the youth seek employment in local industries. Like other young men in his early 20s, Dinesh Ganawa also works
Read More >>The COVID-19 Pandemic has resulted in the closure of schools in most of the country and Jhabua too is not untouched by its impact. The state education department of Madhya
Read More >>साल 2020, कोविद-19 के कारण मार्च से स्कूल बंद होने से बच्चों की शिक्षा के लिए सरकार द्वारा नई पहल की गयी| अब शिक्षक घर-घर जा कर बच्चों से संपर्क करते हैं और उन्हें मोबाइल से पढ़ने की सामग्री भेजते हैं। यह बहुत चुनौतीपूर्ण काम है
Read More >>आज बात करते है एक ऐसे स्कूल की जिसे देखकर कई बार लोगों को यकीन नहीं होता कि यह कोई शासकीय शाला है । इसको देखकर यह कहना बिलकुल भी गलत नहीं होगा कि यह आज जिले की आदर्श शाला है । जी हाँ, हम बात कर रहे हैं प्राथमिक शाला ‘तारा’